No pay disparity between LGD, natural stone polishers

There is no pay disparity between polishers of lab-grown diamonds (LGDs) and natural stones, according to a recent report. This is good news for workers in the diamond industry, as it suggests that the growing popularity of LGDs is not having a negative impact on their wages.

The report, which was conducted by the Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC) of India, found that wages for diamond polishers in Surat, India, which is a major diamond polishing center, are the same regardless of whether they are polishing LGDs or natural stones.

This is likely due to the fact that the skills required to polish both types of diamonds are the same. In addition, the demand for skilled diamond polishers is high, which helps to keep wages up.

The news that there is no pay disparity between LGD and natural stone polishers is likely to be welcomed by workers in the diamond industry. The diamond industry has been facing some challenges in recent years, such as a decline in demand from China. However, the growing popularity of LGDs is helping to offset some of these challenges.

The fact that there is no pay disparity between LGD and natural stone polishers suggests that the growth of the LGD industry is not having a negative impact on workers in the traditional diamond industry. This is good news for workers in both sectors.

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