Are your stones ethically sourced and sustainable?

Ethical Sourcing:

  • Quarry Transparency: Look for stones certified by organizations like the Responsible Stone Initiative (RSI) or the Fair Labor Association (FLA) that ensure adherence to fair labor practices and responsible environmental management at quarries.
  • Country of Origin: Research the stone’s origin country and its regulations regarding environmental protection and worker rights. Some countries have more stringent regulations than others.
  • Avoid Conflict Minerals: Be aware of stones associated with conflict zones or human rights abuses.


  • Recycled stone: Consider using recycled stone products made from leftover material from other projects. This reduces the need for quarrying new stone.
  • Locally sourced stone: Choosing stones sourced closer to your project site can reduce transportation emissions and support local communities.
  • Durable stones: Opting for naturally durable stones like granite or quartzite can minimize the need for replacements and repairs, reducing the environmental impact over time.

By considering these factors, you can make more informed decisions about the stones you choose for your project and support ethical and sustainable practices in the stone industry.

Remember, it’s always best to directly ask the supplier or seller about their specific sourcing and sustainability practices for the stones you’re interested in.

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