Jambukeswarar Temple, Thiruvanaikaval

Jambukeswarar Asylum, Thiruvanaikaval (similarly Thiruvanaikal, Jambukeswaram) is a mainstream Shiva safe-haven in Tiruchirapalli (Trichy) locale, in the domain of Tamil Nadu, India.The sanctuary was worked by Maaravarman Sundharapandi I, a pandiyan ruler, around 800 years prior. Despite the fact that it is theorized that Kocengannan (Kochenga Chola), one of the Early Cholas, to have fabricated this sanctuary, there is no proof to help it. It is situated in the Srirangam island, which has the popular Ranganathaswamy sanctuary.

Thiruvanaikal is one of the five significant Shiva Sanctuaries of Tamil Nadu (Pancha Bhoota Stalam) speaking to the Mahābhūta or five extraordinary components; this sanctuary speaks to the component of water, or neer in Tamil.The sanctum of Jambukeswara has an underground water stream and regardless of siphoning water out, it is continually stacked up with water.

It is one of the 275 Paadal Petra Sthalams, where all the four most respected Nayanars (Saivite Holy people) have sung wonders of the divinity in this sanctuary. The sanctuary has engravings from the Chola time frame.

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